1st Grade Wish List

The first grade team is in need of playground equipment. No footballs. But jump ropes(rope style, not plastic), soft kickballs, no soccer or basketballs. Lots of chalk.

please visit my Amazon wish list http://a.co/iQEqmBk
* White cardstock
* Astrobright cardstock
* Wiggle eyes
* Rubber stamps with monthly themes
* Fun color WASHABLE ink pads
* Stickers
* Gift cards from http://www.teacherspayteachers.com

* Amazon gift cards (for books for the classroom, other supplies, etc.)

Card Stock
* Astro Bright Colored Paper 
* Play-Doh 
* Glue Sticks 
* Do-A-Dots

* Clear Sheet Protectors 

card stalk
* side walk chalk
* clorox wipes
* over the head headphones (not wireless) 
* white and colored card stock
* letter size laminating pouches 3M or Walmart brand
* packs of stickers 
* play doh
* paper towels

* disinfecting wipes

Board games for 5 to 7-year-olds
Colored  dry erase markers
Coloring books for inside recess
Stickers for our sticker stories
Click here for my Amazon wishlist