Labrador Fundraising (LabFund) Committee
PTO Board Contact:  VP Fundraising
Time Required: 
1-3 hours to prepare for Back to School Night
2-3 hours at Back to School Night
1 hour each week until the end of campaign (about mid October)
* Work with VP Fundraising to coordinate the campaign (beginning of August)
* Request donations from area vendors for the raffle (beginning of August)
* Draft the Lab Fund Campaign Letter (beginning of August)
* Print, cut, label and hang the Labrador Paws for the Cause Wall of Fame (ongoing)
* Promote the program to Legacy community (drafting emails, Thursday Folder inserts)
* Write thank you cards for donors over $100
* Develop thank you email with donation information to be sent to all donors before October PTO meeting
* Manage deadlines
* Assist in collecting funds and maintaining spreadsheet