PTO President Description
Time Required: 
* 2 hours per month for PTO meetings
* 1 hour to plan before each meeting/event
* 3-6 hours on day of events
* Busy times during August to end of September
* Preside over all monthly meetings of the PTO and Board
* Coordinate the work of the other Officers and Committees of the organization in order that the objectives are promoted
* Assist in management of annual audit, as needed
* Post updates on PTO website and PTO Facebook
* Primary liaison with Principal, Assistant Principal and Administrative Intern
* Attend all events
* Recruit new members is the toughest challenge and should be main focus
* Gathering volunteers and creating a general excitement to assist
* Promote and educate what the PTO does
* Debunking the myths about the PTO
Committee Responsibilities:
* Loudoun Education Alliance of Parents (LEAP) Representative
* Membership Committee
* Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) Representative
* Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Representative
* Watch D.O.G.S. Committee
* Volunteer Coordinator (PTO)