PTO Vice President of Events Description
Time Required: 
* 1 hour a month for PTO meetings
* 2 hours a month prior to events
* 7 hours a week prior to events
* Busy times August to November and again in May 
* Responsible for all events
* Be first in designated order to perform the duties of President when the President is absent or unable to perform
* Plan special events that build a sense of community and raise funds to further PTO fundraising objectives
* Develop calendar of events & seek approval from PTO Board
* Establish and oversee committees needed to implement planned events
* Update Event Detail for every event and keep current.  Also include post event analysis
* Post updates on PTO website and PTO Facebook
* Attend all events
* Goal is to continue to streamline processes and procedures for events to make each event more efficient use of volunteer time
* Additional goal is to foster a greater sense of community at Legacy via these events
Committee Responsibilities:
* 5th Grade Party Committee
* Boohoo/Yahoo Breakfast Committee
* Lace up for Learning Committee
* Kids Helping Kids Committee
* Kindergarten Registration / PTO Welcome Committee
* Mascot Committee
* Spooky Bingo Committee
* Teacher Appreciation Committee
* Volleyball Game Committee