PTO Vice President Fundraising Description
Time Required: 
* 1 hour a month for PTO meetings
* 3 to 5 hours a month for review of programs
* 7 hours a week prior to events
* Busy times August to November
* Second in designated order to perform the duties of President when the President is absent or unable to perform
* Establish, plan and organize programs and activities that will improve the financial stability of the organization
* Maintain items in PTO eStore
* Concesions at events
* Post updates on PTO website and PTO Facebook
* Attend all events
* Evaluate each program to ensure effectiveness for fundraising objectives
* Evaluate new opportunities for innovative fundraising opportunities
* Determine best way to balance need for fundraising and burnout of members
Committee Responsibilities:
* Art to Remember Committee
* Bonus Cards & Box Top Committee
* Dining for Dollars Committee
* Holiday Shop Committee
* Lavender Fundraising Committee
* Labrador Fundraising (LabFund) Committee
* Spirit Wear Committee
* Spring Vendor Night Committee
* Sponsorship Committee
* Grant Writer Committee