PTO Secretary Description
Time Required: 
* 1 hour per month attending PTO meeting
* 1 hour per month pre-PTO meeting preparation (draft agenda, provide previous month's minutes)
* 1 hour per month preparing, reviewing, and posting PTO meeting minutes
* 2 hours per week preparing, reviewing, and uploading LabNotes
* 2-5 hours on day of events
* Record minutes of all PTO meetings.  Send out draft to membership within 48 hours of meeting
* Maintain a current copy of the bylaws
* Maintain a communication plan
* Perform other delegated duties as assigned
* Update PTO database before release to membership directory in October
* Send out link to membership directory two times per year
* Draft, disseminate, and post LabNotes Weekly
* As committee chairs and board for following communication areas:
   * LabNotes (weekly)
   * PTO Meeting Agenda (monthly)
* Post news updates on PTO website and PTO Facebook
* Attend all events
* Maintaining an effective communication plan is challenging (minimizing duplicative and unnecessary communications)
* Sometimes limiting inputs to periodic communications requires a little creativity
Committee Responsibilities:
* School Supply Kits Coordinator
* Nominations & Elections Committee